Rabu, 26 September 2012

Clean the Smelly Shoes

In my second post, i will try to share about tips cleaning smelly shoes.

Step :
First, Wash your shoes. Take a bit of soap and water and scrub them down. Then, using a hair dryer and towel, dry them off. Be sure to scrub carefully so that you don't damage the shoe

Second, Put a bit of baking soda into the shoes and let them sit over night. When you wake up, the smell will be gone!

Third, At this point, you have a choice. You can either: 
  • Simply spray your shoes with some perfume to get rid of any traces of odour left in the shoe.
  • Or buy some special shoe spray. This is probably the better option as it actually gets rid of the smell, whereas the perfume just masks it.
  • In the end if this doesn't work try using Odor Eaters.(They can be bought at shoe stores and any Walmart, they are very cheap and work well!

Fourth, Drying your shoes in the sun can fade and shrink them!! Best bet is to leave them in a cool dry place and make sure to stuff the toes with paper towel or newspaper to help maintain their shape.

Well now, you have clean shoes from smelly shoes. And now, wear your shoes for activities. I hope this tips can help you all.

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